La colonia de garzas del azud de Badajoz, situada en una isla del río Guadiana, se encuentra en estos días en su momento culminante. Cientos de jóvenes de garcillas bueyeras y de garcetas han empezado ya a abandonar los nidos y realizan sus primeros vuelos de exploración por los alrededores. Las aves más retrasadas aún ramonean por las ramas, desplazándose torpemente entre los sauces que sustentan los nidos. Durante varios meses seguirán acudiendo a dormir a la colonia, dando lugar a espectaculares las concentraciones que congregarán a miles de aves.

Tuve la suerte de poder fotografiar este curioso momento, en el que un joven de garceta acosaba a su progenitor reclamándole ansiosamente la ceba.

El joven volandero llevaba unos minutos posado en medio del río, en una zona de aguas someras, a la espera de su ración de comida y en el momento en que el adulto se posó a su lado no dudo en abalanzarse literalmente sobre él. De la secuencia de imágenes estas son las únicas en la que se pueden identificar claramente a los dos ejemplares…..en el resto sólo se aprecia un amasijo de plumas!

El adulto, que procuraba a duras penas mantener el equilibrio, terminó casi hundido en el agua ante los violentos arrebatos del pollo y tuve la impresión de que voló aliviado cuando dio por cumplida su misión.

No obstante, otros dos pollos le esperaban en la orilla con las mismas ganas de comer que su hermano. El resto del día el adulto estuvo rastreando incesantemente las orillas en busca de alimento, pero siempre perseguido de cerca por sus tres impacientes pollos.
The colony of herons in the city of Badajoz, located on an island in the Guadiana River, is in these days in its climax. Hundreds of young cattle egret and egrets have already started to leave their nests and make their first exploratory flights around the area. And the smaller chickens are moving awkwardly around the bush willows near their nests. For several months the birds continue unsing the colony as roosting, gathering thousands of birds.
I was fortunate to be able to photograph this odd moment in which a young egret harass their parents to get food.
The chicken takes a few minutes "sitting" in the middle of the river in an area of shallow waters, waiting for their ration of food and when the adult landed beside him literally swooped on him. These are the only images of the sequence in which you can clearly identify the two birds ... .. the rest just shows a mass of feathers!
The adult, trying to balance, slumped over in the water to the violent jostling of chicken and I had the impression that flew relieved when his mission ended.
However, there were two other chickens waiting on the shore and also eager to eat. The rest of the day the adults were constantly crawling the shores in search of food, but still closely pursued by her three impatient chickens .
I was fortunate to be able to photograph this odd moment in which a young egret harass their parents to get food.
The chicken takes a few minutes "sitting" in the middle of the river in an area of shallow waters, waiting for their ration of food and when the adult landed beside him literally swooped on him. These are the only images of the sequence in which you can clearly identify the two birds ... .. the rest just shows a mass of feathers!
The adult, trying to balance, slumped over in the water to the violent jostling of chicken and I had the impression that flew relieved when his mission ended.
However, there were two other chickens waiting on the shore and also eager to eat. The rest of the day the adults were constantly crawling the shores in search of food, but still closely pursued by her three impatient chickens .
Beautiful! I love the series...great captures of the extended wings. They look a lot like our Snowy Egrets.
ResponderEliminarBuena serie, si es que cuando el hambre aprieta nos volvemos locos y los humanos aun mas.
Buen trabajo, ese azud es una mina. Enhorabuena
ResponderEliminarme encantan tus fotos...
ResponderEliminardigiscopy? puede ser?. Espectacular
Un saludo
Qu'elle belle série!!!!les photos sont magnifiques ...quel talent...à très bientôt